Filtering the RJ bakwaas

As the quality of RJ chatters in FM radio is deteriorating every day, the usual "cut craps from life" thoughts come pouring in. When most of the songs they play are pretty good, except those particular ones which are known to be exclusively for FM channels, like item numbers but except visual stimulation they depend on rythmic drums; the talks that connects the audience to the programs are obviously failing to meet even minimal expectations. So just like AD blockers, we need silence when the Radio Jockeys deliver their over enthusiastic speech. Since song titles in FM radio is still a distant reality, we have to do some screen scraping ourselves. So the problem boils down to how to detect a song easily (remember the car stereo has limited processing power and memory). So the biggest difference between talk and song are background music. The human voice will be limited to 2 to 8kHZ frequency range, when the music instruments would produce frequencies in 10 to 20kHz in addition. So easiest rule you can apply is "unless there is reasonable amplitude above 8kHz, mute". In a wide variety of cases, it ought to solve the problem. You can hear the ringing tone from Ghanta Singh, but enjoy golden silence when he bores his victims.

Obviously such oversimplification won't cut the ads. And it'll silence the traffic update announcement too.

Still then, the biggest problem is they won't give me the source code or SDK of my car audio. Enhanced by Zemanta