CarPC first build


After working a lot at my CarPC project I have decided to take a break and post about it.

A short preview is here:

You can download my 4GB image from here
If you want to build it by yourself please follow my previous tutorials but replace the three patches with the single patch from here, which is for XBMC12.2. Also read my previous post to find how to calibrate the screen axes.

  • auto start XBMC
  • eGalax touch screen support with configurable greater area for touch event(8 pixels)
  • improved skin with larger buttons and smooth transitions(link for the skin)
  • System Power OFF button
  • usbmount enabled(so usb MSD's are plug and play)
The new calibration file contains one more entry: click_confines which defines the area for XBMC to distinguish between click and drag actions(touch moves less than 8 pixels before release than action is click, else the action is drag).

Have fun!